Sunday, November 2, 2008

Perfect examples

These belong to an artist is very much enjoy who goes by the alias of Stuntkid. However these are very good examples of what I was pointing out in my last entry.


Anonymous said...

Being his girlfriend, it won't be surprising to you that I disagree with you.
I have a google alert set up on Stuntkid and that's how I found your blog.
Jason Levesque / Stuntkid is 33 years old. While not old, he's not exactly a baby. He is not trying to appear mature or edgy. You should read some of his interviews. He's just having fun with his work. If anything, he's immature in that he's not trying to convey some deep meaning and is only having fun drawing silly things.

Cytine said...

Thank you for your input. However, it would be more helpful for the artist to defend his own work. Regardless of your personal relationship with the artist you are still are just another art critic like me. And a rationalization and defense of his personality does not give his work more weight or meaning. I have not read interviews because I feel that an artists work should stand on its own, and also for the reason that a viewer will rarely have the opportunity or even desire hear the artists point of view about their work. So if an artist is to communicate an idea through their work there should be visual clues to lead a viewer to that conclusion. If his intent is not to portray meaning but to make work that is aesthetically pleasing, then more sophisticated research should be done on past artwork in general, so as to negate the possibility of accidental recreation of so many pieces of work done before hand. Hence my complaint in the first place. And in either case, if he was doing art only for his personal enjoyment then I don't imagine he would have it displayed so openly for the public.

Please do not take this as some sort of harsh ridiculing of Stunt Kid's work. I actually thoroughly enjoy the majority of it and I am a patron as well. I was merely using a few of his pieces as an example for a silly rant about certain overdone and contrived qualities and subject matter I see on a daily basis in art work.

Thanks again.